Matematică, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

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mbc220861: iti va raspunde altcineva
mbc220861: am vazut si eu asa ceva in raspusuri
mbc220861: bn.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mbc220861


Explicație pas cu pas:

3. ..does Pam do...

4. ...isn't working...

5. ...are you smiling...

6. ...don't eat meat...

7. ...are you reading...

8. you get up...

9. making...

10. you go to work?

11. ...aren't watching it.

12. are learning Greek.

3. ...It has disappeared...

4. ...I have already seen it.

Have you seen ....

5. ... I haven't finished it.

6. ...they have gone out.

7. Has he lost weight?

8. I haven't heard from her.

9. you have broken it.

10. ...have you been...

11. ...have you taken...

12. I haven't heard ...

mbc220861: bn. cu placere
mbc220861: ma descurc destul de bine, dar nu la toate cele
mbc220861: in general la engleza ma descurc
Răspuns de maria344811
3. A: What does Pam do? B: Pam? She’s a doctor.
4. Tony isn’t working at the moment. He’s on holiday.
5. A: Why are you smiling? B: Because I’m happy.
6. Sandra and her husband are vegetarian. They don’t eat meat.
7. A: What are you reading? B: A letter from my sister.
8. A: What time do you usually get up? B: Me? About 7.00 a.m.
9. A: Where’s Dave? B: He’s in the kitchen. He is making coffee.
10. A: How do you usually go to work? B: I usually catch a bus.
11. A: I think Shaun and David are asleep. B: Mmm. Turn the TV off. They aren’t watching it.
12. John and I want to go to Greece for our holidays, so we are learning Greek.

1. A: Is it raining at the moment? B: No, it’s just stopped.
2. I can’t find my keys. Have you seen them?
3. A: Where’s your dictionary?
B: I don’t know, it has disappeared.
4. A: Let’s go and see ‘Lions of Africa’ at the Cannon cinema.
B: I have already seen it.
A: Oh well, have you seen ‘Green Beans’?
B: No, let’s go to that.
5. A: Please, can I have my book back?
B: Oh dear, I haven’t finished it.
6. A: Are Steve and Martha at home? B: No, they haven’t been out.
7. John looks thinner. Has he lost weight?
8. A: Is Sally enjoying her new job?
B: I don’t know. I haven’t heard from her.
9. A: Why doesn’t this tape recorder work?
B: I think you have broken it.
10. Mary, you’re very late. I was worried about you. Where have you been?
11. A: How many times have you taken your driving test?
B: Twice. My third one is next week.
12. This music is new to me. I’m sure I haven’t heard it before.
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