Engleza, întrebare adresată de Ciprian8900, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog mult.rezolvati cat mai repede dau corana.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NyanUnicorn
1) -> Would you mind moving your car? I need to get my bike out.
-> No problem.

2) -> Would you mind testing my vocabulary? I've got an exam next week.
-> No, not at all.

3) -> Would you mind giving me a lift to the bus station? I'm meeting some friends in town at five o'clock.
-> Sorry, I'm afraid I can't.

4) -> Would you mind lending me some money? I want to buy the new All Saints CD.
-> Oh, all right.

5) -> Would you mind closing the window? I'm cold.
-> No problem.

Ciprian8900: Ms
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