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27 Lesson 27 Activities C and D
Part Two
27 Lectia 27 Activitatile C si D
Partea a doua
Harry: What if she gets hungry, Bert ?
Harry: Si daca i se face foame, Bert ?
Bert: If she gets hungry, we'll give her some cornflakes.
Bert: Daca i se face foame ii dam niste fulgi de porumb.
Harry: Cornflakes, Bert ? But what if she doesn't like cornflakes ? And what if she needs some exercise ?
Harry: Fulgi de porumb, Bert ? Dar daca nu ii plac fulgii de porumb ? Si daca are nevoie de niste exercitii ?
Bert: Well, if she needs some exercise, we'll ride her around the flat.
Bert: Ei bine,. daca are nevoie de cateva exercitii o vom plimba prin apartament.
Harry: Around the flat, Bert ? Ride a horse around the flat ? I don't think that's a very good idea. And away, I can't ride a horse and nor can you. And, Bert, what if a friend comes round to our flat ?
Harry: Prin apartament, Bart ? Vom calari un cal prin apartament ? Nu cred ca este o idee foarte buna. Oricum, eu nu pot sa calaresc nici tu nu poti. Si Bert, si daca ne viziteaza un prieten ?
Bert: Ah, yes, well, er, if a friend comes round to our flat, we'll lock Red Runner in the bathroom.
Bert: O, da.. Daca cine un prieten pe la noi, il vom incuia pe Alergatorul Rosu in baie.
Harry: In the bathroom, Bert ? But what if the friend wants to use the bathroom, Bert ? Oh, yes, and what if she starts eating furniture ?
Harry: In baie,Bert ? Dar daca prietenul doreste sa mearga la baie, Bert ? O, da, si daca incepe sa manance mobila ?
Bert: Eating the furniture ?
Bert: Sa manance mobila ?
Harry: Yes, Bert.
Hary: Da, Bert.
Bert: Well. er, er, if she starts eating the furniture, we'll tie her to a chair in the middle of the room.
Bert: Ei bine, daca incepe sa manance mobila, o vom lega de un scaun in mijlocul camerei.
Harry: But what if she starts eating the chair ? And what if she starts kicking us ?
Harry: Dar daca incepe sa manance scaunul ? Si daca incepe sa ne loeasca cu piciorul ?
Bert: Us ?
Bert: Sa ne loveasca ?
Harry: Yes, Bert.
Harry: Da, Bert.
Bert: Yes, I see what you mean. Umm, umm. Well, er, if she starts kicking us, we'll kive her some sugar lumps. Horses love sugar lumps.
Bert: Da, inteleg ce vrei sa spui. Ei bine, daca va incepe sa ne loveasca, ii vom da cateva bucati de zahar. Caii iubesc zaharul.
Harry: But sugar lumps aren't very good for horses, Bert. What if she gets ill ?
Harry: Dar zaharul nu este bun pentru cai, Bert. Daca se imbolnaveste ?
Bert: Ill ? Oh, dear. Yes. Well, er, if she gets ill, er, we'll have to call a vet.
Bert: Daca se imbolnaveste ? O, draga, da, daca se imbolnaveste va trebui sa chemam un veterinar.
Harry: But a vet will recognize Red Runner and will call the police.
Harry: Dar un veterinar il va recunoaste pe Alergatorul Rosu su va chema politia.
Bert. Oh, da. Hmmm...
Part Two
27 Lectia 27 Activitatile C si D
Partea a doua
Harry: What if she gets hungry, Bert ?
Harry: Si daca i se face foame, Bert ?
Bert: If she gets hungry, we'll give her some cornflakes.
Bert: Daca i se face foame ii dam niste fulgi de porumb.
Harry: Cornflakes, Bert ? But what if she doesn't like cornflakes ? And what if she needs some exercise ?
Harry: Fulgi de porumb, Bert ? Dar daca nu ii plac fulgii de porumb ? Si daca are nevoie de niste exercitii ?
Bert: Well, if she needs some exercise, we'll ride her around the flat.
Bert: Ei bine,. daca are nevoie de cateva exercitii o vom plimba prin apartament.
Harry: Around the flat, Bert ? Ride a horse around the flat ? I don't think that's a very good idea. And away, I can't ride a horse and nor can you. And, Bert, what if a friend comes round to our flat ?
Harry: Prin apartament, Bart ? Vom calari un cal prin apartament ? Nu cred ca este o idee foarte buna. Oricum, eu nu pot sa calaresc nici tu nu poti. Si Bert, si daca ne viziteaza un prieten ?
Bert: Ah, yes, well, er, if a friend comes round to our flat, we'll lock Red Runner in the bathroom.
Bert: O, da.. Daca cine un prieten pe la noi, il vom incuia pe Alergatorul Rosu in baie.
Harry: In the bathroom, Bert ? But what if the friend wants to use the bathroom, Bert ? Oh, yes, and what if she starts eating furniture ?
Harry: In baie,Bert ? Dar daca prietenul doreste sa mearga la baie, Bert ? O, da, si daca incepe sa manance mobila ?
Bert: Eating the furniture ?
Bert: Sa manance mobila ?
Harry: Yes, Bert.
Hary: Da, Bert.
Bert: Well. er, er, if she starts eating the furniture, we'll tie her to a chair in the middle of the room.
Bert: Ei bine, daca incepe sa manance mobila, o vom lega de un scaun in mijlocul camerei.
Harry: But what if she starts eating the chair ? And what if she starts kicking us ?
Harry: Dar daca incepe sa manance scaunul ? Si daca incepe sa ne loeasca cu piciorul ?
Bert: Us ?
Bert: Sa ne loveasca ?
Harry: Yes, Bert.
Harry: Da, Bert.
Bert: Yes, I see what you mean. Umm, umm. Well, er, if she starts kicking us, we'll kive her some sugar lumps. Horses love sugar lumps.
Bert: Da, inteleg ce vrei sa spui. Ei bine, daca va incepe sa ne loveasca, ii vom da cateva bucati de zahar. Caii iubesc zaharul.
Harry: But sugar lumps aren't very good for horses, Bert. What if she gets ill ?
Harry: Dar zaharul nu este bun pentru cai, Bert. Daca se imbolnaveste ?
Bert: Ill ? Oh, dear. Yes. Well, er, if she gets ill, er, we'll have to call a vet.
Bert: Daca se imbolnaveste ? O, draga, da, daca se imbolnaveste va trebui sa chemam un veterinar.
Harry: But a vet will recognize Red Runner and will call the police.
Harry: Dar un veterinar il va recunoaste pe Alergatorul Rosu su va chema politia.
Bert. Oh, da. Hmmm...
Ce texte, total neinteresante va mai baga scoala!
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