Limba română, întrebare adresată de AjutorEngleza425, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog mult sa ma ajutați! DAU COROANA ȘI MULTE PUNCTE! NU RĂSPUNDEȚI ÎN BĂTAIE DE JOC! VA ROG SA MA AJUTAȚI! MERSI! Present tence simplu și continuu. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vikyviky2003

Răspuns:1. am going

2. does.. belong

3. always beat

4. do you usually get up


6. are going

7. have

8. makes

9. read

10. know.. mean

11. looks

12. are drinking

13. is waiting

14. arrives

Răspuns de ioanabarbu824


1. I am going out to get the evening paper

2. Does this book belong to you?

3. You're always beating me at chess (aici exprima iritarea persoanei care spune asta, iar pt a arata iritarea, intotdeauna folosesti timp continuu)

5.Everybody likes summer.

4. What time do you usually get up?

6.We are going to the circus this evening.

7. I have an appointment with my dentist at 5 o'clock

8. Jane makes all her clothes herself.

9. All the students in this class read English well.

10. I know what you mean.

11. The park looks beautiful in spring.

12. Hey! You are drinking from my glass! (din nou, iritare)

13. I must go, mother is waiting for me

14. The train arrives at the North Station at 6.30


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