Engleza, întrebare adresată de babymaria123, 8 ani în urmă

va rog !
Multumesc! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mereee


1. to come under fire

2. to foot the bill (sa plateasca pt toata nota de plata)

sentence: Henry footed the bill last time we went to the restaurant.

3. to count(??? nu sunt sigura) the cost

4. to ????? to the bank (nu stiu sorry)

5. to pay lip service (sa pretinda ca au intentii altruiste, dar sa nu faca nimic, ca politicienii)

sentence: they paid lip service to helping people in need, but they never supported any charities.

6. to toe the line (sa fie fix la granita dintre ceva si altceva)

sentence: Samantha has been toeing the line between funny and rude lately.

7. to put sb on the spot (sa-l iei prin surprindere din scurt cu o intrebare/cerere)

sentence: She put me on the spot when she asked why I didn't invite her to my birthday.

8. burn sth to a crisp (sa arda complet un obiect)

sentence: They burnt all their food to a crisp last time they tried to cook.

9. to bring smth to light (a pune in lumina/a aduce in atentie un subiect)

10. to go up in smoke (a esua)


1 - D

2 - B

3 - A

4 - C

5 - B

6 - A

7 - D

8 - D

9 - A

10 - C


1. Yes, he is, because he said something to make himself look good, but never actually did it.

2. Yes

3. Yes, because they're fighting a lot.


1. came

2. awakening

3. direction

4. crisp

5. pitch

6. hand

7. spot

8. drop

9. light

mereee: la exercitiul 9, punctul 4, este "to BREAK the bank" (adica cand cineva isi foloseste toti banii/da foarte multi bani pe ceva). Ai deja 5 propozitii acolo, dar uite oricum un exemplu: "I decided not to buy those boots - they're quite expensive and I don't wanna break the bank."
babymaria123: Am mai pus un exercițiu, ma poti ajuta
babymaria123: O sa ti dau coroana la toate
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