Engleza, întrebare adresată de Teodora26, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog o compunere in engleza


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marymora

                                                     The my lucky

         In last year go at to school. When. I meet with a lottery ticket. I was very happy . It was yet write on this ticket but it was OK !

          I went at lottery in my city tha t to gave  this lottery ticket at a saleswoman .A few days later come results at this lucky game .

           I WIN !!!!!!!!!   OH MY GAD!!!!!!!! I said in my mind.

           REALLY? I WIN? I CAN'T GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I still me. I still in my mind.

          I was very happy than.I was very very very  very very very very very HAPPY!

           I won than 1000000000$.YES!!! 1000000000$.I won very very very  very very very very very much money!

          I go at the shop that i went  few days ago to got those money.

           FINALLY!!! I MILLIONAIRE!!!! YES !!!! DON'T MUST TO HAVE A JOB AND TO GO AT SCHOOL!!!!! YEY !!!!! THANK YOU GAD  !!!!!!!!!! i still me in my mind.

          Later i won money all with the help  lucky games, but don't much 10$ , 20$  , but i learn aught. WHAT? It's simple . it's   very very very simple! I learn  aught money don't buy the happy.(24)

           This thing i learn early, very very very  very very very very very  early and this money i gave at a disability center.

fix 190 de cuvinte . sper sa te ajute :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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