vă rog până la 15:00

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. You have to do your homework.
2. The children have to go to school every day.
3. Jenny has to feed her cats.
4. I don't have to get up early in the morning.
1. You mustn't buy any milk. There are two litters of milk in the fridge.
2. We don't eat these cakes. They are for the party.
3. You don't use your phone in the cinema.
4. Tommy has got a lot of money. He doesn't have to work.
1. It is not cold today. - c) you don't have to wear a jumper.
2. I've got a bad tootache. - a) you should got to the dentist.
Ea a cumpărat robotul acum 3 săptămâni. Face totul în locul ei dimineața. Ea nu este nevoită sa faca nimic. O trezește cu o melodie plăcută. Totodată îi spala fața și îi spală și dinții. Dar ar trebui sa aibă grija! Nu ar trebui sa îl folosească in zile ploioase.
1. She bought the robot three weeks ago.
2. The robot does in the morning everything for her.