Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

va rog rapid am nevoie f urgent


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosmi09
1. Enjoyed themselves
2.look after herself
3.find yourself
4. Burned myself
5.introduced herself
6. Make ourselves
7. Cut yourself
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1. Alina and Radu enjoy themselves a lot in London. They'd like to go back. 

2.Lizzie's only nine. i don't think she is old enough to look after helself when her parents are out. 

3. I'm too busy to cook. Can you find yourself  something to eat in the fridge? 

4. I was burning myself while cooking sausages on the bonfire and it hurts a lot.

5. On the first day at London school, Alina introduced herself to lots of people.

6. We are going to make to ourselves some sandwiches. Shall we also make one for you? 

7. Be careful. Don't cut yourself with the scissors.
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