Engleza, întrebare adresată de intervist1234, 8 ani în urmă

va rog rapid + coroana!!!! completati doar acee ce se vede


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Stefxy


1. The most beautiful place in my country is Salina Turda.  I find it nice because of the benefits it offers to some people. Although some people aren't allowed to go inside because of some medical conditions, some people get a lot better by the scent of the salt. It has many health benefits. It's an underground ''cave''. Inside, there's a playground, a ton of stairs, walls made of salt and a souvenir shop.

2. Air, water and land pollution are the types I've heard a bit about. In my opinion, the worst one is the air pollution. Air (oxygen) is a necessity for a healthy life. If we can't have some ''clean'' oxygen we are at risk of infections and lung damage.

3. We can clean it up and then tell them what harm it does to the Planet. There's a high chance if every person on this Planet  threw a piece of garbage every week, no matter its size, in less than one year we'll be living in that garbage. That kind of people should be aware of the consequences of throwing rubbish in a forbidden area.

4. We can reduce the amount of unused garbage by recycling it at a Recycling Centre. We can use less plastic and, instead, switch to paper   packaging.

5. We should sort our trash before throwing it up. Recyclable items in a different bin, glass in another and so on. That will help both the Planet and ourselves.  The garbage should be recycled.

6.  Yes! I am prepared to adapt to a new life-style in order to save this Planet. Recycling my trash, using less energy and gas (CUTTING OFF THE EXCESS), buying more Planet-friendly items (paper straws, etc).

7.  Bucharest. It's really polluted, it's dirty, poorly maintained by the city officials and it's overcrowded. My reasoning for this is the unfortunate pollution in the capital.

8. Near the countryside. There's hardly any pollution there and that's awesome! The lifestyle there is ''vintage'' and antique, most of the elders there still live by the old rules.

9. First of all, fossil fuels should NOT be replaced as they come from a natural way. Coal, natural gas and crude oil are the items that come in my mind when I think of fossil fuels. They're used almost everywhere.

10. Yes. I find bottled water healthier than river water (for example). I'd rather have my water through a filter before drinking it so I won't risk getting sick due to the high pollution in the water these days.

11. That's a horrible personal opinion. I'll have to disagree this time. My reason for that is the lack of thought for the ones that will live after us. It would be an embarrassment to our future generations.

12. If we don't change then there won't be ANY life at all. Our lives will get more and more unpleasant as the days pass if we keep this lifestyle. We should think a bit about our possible horrible future if we continue this way. I believe we should make baby steps towards this matter.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Daca ceva nu este clar poti sa ma anunti si iti explic ^^


intervist1234: ms
intervist1234: asteapta coroana mane ca nu mi-a aparut
intervist1234: am inteles tot
Stefxy: aia ii bn, ma bucur :)
intervist1234: )))
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