Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariamoanta, 8 ani în urmă

vă rog rapid , dau coroană​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ruxorash


1. I have gone to the library today.

2. You have kept a pet for three years.

3. Have you eaten Thai food before?

4. Has it rained all day?

5. Who have we forgotten to invite?

6. We haven't heard the song.

7. He hasn't forgotten his book.

8. She has stolen all the chocolate!

9. Have I explained it well?

10.  Who has he met recently?

11. I have known him for three months.

12. Where have you studied German?

13. What countries have they visited in Europe?

14. She has left her phone in a taxi.

15. We haven't lost our tickets.

16. Has she called her mother?


pentru propozitii afirmative ->

   -  have/has + a treia forma a verbului dat (participiu)

pentru propozitii negative ->

   - haven't (have not) / hasn't (has not) + a  treia forma a verbului dat (participiu)

pentru intrebari ->

   -  have/has + Subiect + a treia forma a verbului dat (participiu)

   - why/where/when (etc) + have/has + subiect + a treia forma a verbului dat (participiu)

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