Engleza, întrebare adresată de marianhd2018, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog rapid va rog dau coroana ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Popescuoanamaria


You are a good singer?

Your teacher have fair hair?

Is tennis your favourite sport?

Are your shoes new?

Is your best friend english?


Sper ca intelegi ca trebuie sa conjungi verbele to be pentru a reuși sa rezolvi astfel de exercitii

Narutomaki11: La a doua intrebare e "Is your teacher fair-haired?". Tu ai pus verbul "have". Daca s-ar folosi verbul "have", forma corecta ar fi "Does your teacher have fair hair?"
Răspuns de Narutomaki11


1. Are you a good singer.

No, I am not a good singer.

2. Is your teacher fair-haired?

Yes, my teacher is fair-haired

3. Is tennis your favourite sport?

No, tennis is not my favourite sport.

4. Are your shoes new?

No, my shoes are not new.

5. Is your best friend English?

No, my best friend is not English.


fair-haired= par de culoare blond deschis sau alb

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