Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioanamea, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog !!rapiiiddddd


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DanielDespacito

Hi Rose,

How are you? Do you like your new college? I love mine! All the students in my class are really nice, but my best friends are Julia and Elly. We always have lunch together and after out lessons we usually do our homework at Julia's house because she lives next to the college.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I will go ice-skating with Elly. Julia won't come because she will visit her cousins in London. I won't go out on Sunday morings because I always help Mum with the chores, but in the afternoons, I play basketball with my college team. Practice starts at 3 o'clock and finishes at 5.

mai departe fotografia e taiata si nu am putut continua :(

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