Engleza, întrebare adresată de lupu63045, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog raspunde ti la intrebarile astea..( textul este in casuța galbena) puteti sa raspundeti in romana

1. Cine face parte dintr-o echipă de flyball?

2. Ce fac câinii? 3. Cine aruncă mingea?

4. Ce face câinele cu mingea?

5. De cât timp există Flyball?

6. Unde se joacă flyball peste tot?

7. De ce este atât de popular flyball-ul?

8. De ce se joacă proprietarii cu H Flyball?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nanananananana934


1. A flyball team consists in a bunch of dogs.

2. The dogs are doing races against each other

3. The ball is thrown by a machine

4. The dogs catch the ball and give it back to its owner

5. Flyball was created in 1970,more than 50 years ago

6. This game is very played in Australia and Britain

7. The game is very popular because both the dog and the owner get to have fun together and spend some quality time together while others play it for fun


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