Engleza, întrebare adresată de Asdfgiii, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa imi faceti propozitii obisnuite cu cuv kind,unkind,polide,impolide,rude,friendly,unfriendly,helpful,unhelpful,critical,uncritical,stupid,sensible.VA ROG URGENT!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Camye

He is such a kind boy.

Sometimes I am unkind.

Her mother is polite.

Some people are impolite.

Although he doesn’t want, sometimes he’s rude.

When I meet new people, I’m very friendly.

My uncle is unfriendly.

My aunt is very helpful and she loves to help people.

In spite of being sensitive, Scleopatra is unhelpful.

Andrew is critical.

Rihanna is uncritical.

I am stupid.

I want to be a sensible boy.

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