VA rog sa imi traduceti in engleza :
a fost o vacanta frumoasa !
eu vara aceasta am mers la matusa mea si la verisoara mea .
totin aceasta vacanta am mers la mare in Grecia .Cand am ajuns in Grecia am vazut marea Egee
care avea o culoare atat de frumoasa ,si eram nerabdatoare sa pot intra in apa. Ajunsi la pensiune ne-am instalatsi am plecat la mare . Plaja era foarte frumosa , plaja se numea YABANAKY Seara veniti de la plaja mancam si toti copii ne adunam si jucam volei , carti
. M-am plimbat pe strazile Tesalonicului un oras antic . Intorcandu-ne din Grecia am trecut prin bulgaria un oras extrem de frumos . Tot in aceasta vacanta au venit la noi nepoti mei din America .Impreuna cu ei am fost pe Transaplina ,la mall la TG-JIU . TOT vara aceasta am fost la rovinari acolo m-am intalni cu fisti mei de scoala si cu fosta mea invatatoare .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
It was a beautiful summer holiday!
This summer I went to my aunt and my cousin. Also in this summer, I went to the seaside in Greece. When I got there I got to see Aegean Sea that had such a beautiful color. I couldn't wait to get into the water. When we got to our hotel room, we left our luggage there and we went to the seaside. It was very beautiful, it was called YABANAKY. At the night, after a long day on the beach, we all used to eat and the children would play voley and table games. I strolled on Tesalonic's streets, ancient town. Getting back from Greece, we went through a very beautiful town in Bulgaria. Still in this summer, my nephews from America came to visit me. With them we went on the Transalpina, to Targu-Jiu's mall. I also went to Rovinari. There I met my old classmates and teacher from school.
This summer I went to my aunt and my cousin. Also in this summer, I went to the seaside in Greece. When I got there I got to see Aegean Sea that had such a beautiful color. I couldn't wait to get into the water. When we got to our hotel room, we left our luggage there and we went to the seaside. It was very beautiful, it was called YABANAKY. At the night, after a long day on the beach, we all used to eat and the children would play voley and table games. I strolled on Tesalonic's streets, ancient town. Getting back from Greece, we went through a very beautiful town in Bulgaria. Still in this summer, my nephews from America came to visit me. With them we went on the Transalpina, to Targu-Jiu's mall. I also went to Rovinari. There I met my old classmates and teacher from school.
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