Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndraV, 10 ani în urmă

Va rog sa imi traduceti si mie aceste propozitii in engleza :)
a) Este numita Planeta Verde, deoarece este singura planeta din Sistemul Solar care are viata: oameni,plante si animale.
b)In jurul Pamantului se invarte Luna, iar in circa 28 de zile, realizand in acelasi interval si o rotatie completa. Luna este legata de Pamant, datorita gravitatiei.
c)Planetele Sistemului Solar sunt : Mercur, Venus, Pamant, Marte, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus si Neptun.
d)Cele 8 planete si Soarele insotite de comete si asteroizi se rotesc pe orbite proprii in jurul Soarelui.
e)Galaxia noastra se numeste Calea Lactee. Ea face parte dintr-un  grup de circa 30 de galaxii de diferite marimi.

obretincosmin54: a)It's called Planet Green, it is the only planet in the solar system that has life: people, plants and animals.
b)Moon revolves around the Earth and in about 28 days, achieving the same period and a full rotation. Luna is linked to Earth by gravity.
c)Solar System planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

d)The eight planets and comets and asteroids accompanied Sun rotate on their orbits around the Sun.
obretincosmin54: e)Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. It is part of a group of about 30 galaxies of different sizes.
obretincosmin54: un Multumesc 1 ,plizz!
AndraV: Ms :*
obretincosmin54: Cu placere ,sper ca ti-am fost de mare ajutor ! ;)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IoanaAlexandru
It's called The Green Planet because it's the only planet in the Solar System which has life:people,plants and animals.
Around the Earth the Moon spins and in about 28(twenty eight) days,realizing in the same interval/time a complete rotation.
Solar System's planets are:Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptun.
The 8 planets and the Sun accompained by comets and asteroids spin on proper orbits around the Sun.
Our galaxy is called Milky Way.It is a part from a group of about 30(thirty) galaxies with different sizes.
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