Engleza, întrebare adresată de popnicu72, 9 ani în urmă

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In luna ianuarie,am plecat impreuna cu familia mea la munte .Dupa un drum lung ,am ajuns insfarsit.Ningea cu fulgi mari ca de vata.Varfurile muntilor erau acoperiti de o mantie alba si stralucitoare de zapada.Pe partie , un sirag de saniute aluneca rapid in jos.Sub norii cenusii se ascundea soarele ,ce iesea la iveala din cand in cand.Eram fascinat si  abia asteptam sa ma bucur de toate acestea.
     .Dupa ce ne-am cazat la o cabana am plecat intr-o drumetie.Mergeam cu greu prin zapada .Pe parcursul drumetiei am vazut multe animale .Cand am ajuns  aproape de destinatie am zarit  o caprioara ranita,ce statea intinsa pe zapada rece.Norocul nostru a fost ca tatal meu avea niste bandaje la el.In timp ce mama mea a sunat la salvamontisti ,tata a bandajat-o .Salvamontistii ne-au asigurat ca biata caprioara va fi bine.
Ne-am continuat drumetia fericiti ca am putut ajuta

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariorusu4157

Salut, nu stiu daca am scris corect dar uite. Sper sa imi dai coroana!

In January. i left with my family in the mountains. After a long journey , i was finished. The big flakes of cotton wool.The mountains were covered with a white and shining snow cloak. She slides quickly downwards. The gray clouds hide the sun that was coming out from time to time. I was fascinated and i as just waiting to enjoy it all.

  .After we stayed at a cottage we went on a hike. We were waling hard through the snow. During the hikewe saw many animals. When we got close to the destination, i saw a wounded deer lying on the cold snow. Our luck was that my father had some bandages to him.While my mother called the rescuers, my father bangaged her. The Salvamontists assured us that the poor deer would be fine. We continued our happy hiking that we could help.

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