Engleza, întrebare adresată de decadanutaoxvhe8, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutai a acest exercitiu


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de elenamusca1604pcbs5r


1.She moved last month to a new flat

2.He is carefully driving.

3.They go to school every day on foot

4.He went early to his office

5.(cred ca e asa) There was here a cinema

6.He opened quickly the box

7.They came late that night

8.She is hungrily eating a sandwich

Explicație:Cuvintele puse din parantezasunt adjective

carefully-cu grija



Si acestea se pun inainte verbelor,exemplu:

He went to his office,how?HE went early to his office

Sper ca te-am ajutat!!! Spor la tema si STAY SAFE!

Răspuns de sabina252
1 she moved to a new flat last month
2 he is driving carefully
3 they go to school on foot every day
4 he went to his office early
5 there was a cinema here
6 he opened the box quickly
7 they came late last night
8 she is eating a sandwich hungrily
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