Engleza, întrebare adresată de Valentina0909, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog să mă ajutați.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MELUSZEU

ex 1

1 saw

2 slept

3 bought

4 flew

5 caught

6 went

ex 2

1 didn't give

2 didn't drink

3 didn't wear

4 didn't ride

5  didn't break

ex 3

1 did she send him a message this morning

2 did the teacher write it on the blackboard

3 did they sell them on the internet

4 did mum make a strawberry cake for you

5 did dad tell you to take the dog outside

6 are these flowers for her

Alte întrebări interesante