Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariusivan6, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutati. Construiți 5 propoziții la Present simple despre mine(orice in general), 5 propoziții la Present continuous despre ce fac acum si 5 propoziții la Past simple dedpre ce am facut ieri. si la fiecare timp din cele 5 propoziții una sa fie la afirmativ, una la negativ si una la interogativ iar celelalte doua oricum. Multumesc mult anticipat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de madamcebanpq
I read now.I play witch my father.I cook witch my mother.I listen music.I write in notebooc. ( PRESENT SIMPLE) ALTELE CU PRESENT CONTINUOUS I reading.I cooking.I listning.I plaing.I sleaping.

madamcebanpq: Poftim
Răspuns de rebi2002
Present Simple:
1. I go to school every day. (afirmativ)
2. I don't eat chocolate. (negativ)
3. Do i forget my history book? (interogativ)
4. I listen to music every day.
5. Every Friday i go to the cinema.

Present Continuous:
1. I'm doing my homework this moment. (afirmativ)
2. I'm not surfing the net now. (negativ)
3. Am i sleeping at you tonigh? (interogativ)
4. I'm listening to the radio right now.
5. I'm going to visit Paris next week.

Past Simple:
1. I was at my cousins last night. (afirmativ)
2. I didn't tidy my room yesterday. (negativ)
3. Did you visit London last summer? (interogativ)
4. I forgot my pen.
5. I wrote an e-mail to you last week.

Sper ca te-am putut ajuta :*
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