Limba română, întrebare adresată de biancascutaru3, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog sa ma ajutați cu o compunere la engleză de clasa a 9 a cu titlul ,, My winter Holiday ” , sa fie de o pagină de caiet studențesc și o traducere.
E urgent, îmi trebuie astăzi!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marinandreea9103


Winter holidays. It's winter. My family and I are getting ready for the holidays. My mother and grandmother make tasty dishes, my father does the work outside, and my brothers and I learn carols and decorate the house with decorations. After everyone is done, we gather in the house and watch Christmas movies and decorate the Christmas tree. All the children are looking forward to Santa Claus and go to bed happy. On Christmas morning, the whole family gathered at the Christmas tree to see what they had received. My father received a tool kit, my mother a purse and children dolls and cars, then cheerfully go to carols. I love this time of year!

marinandreea9103: are peste 100 de cuvinte
marinandreea9103: coroana pls?
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