Va rog să mă ajutați cu un rezumat la engleza cu Albă că zăpada va roggg!Dau coroană
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Snow White comes to a cottage in the forest. It belongs to seven dwarfs. They allow her to live with them. She does the housework. The evil queen learns Snow White is still alive. She decides to kill Snow White herself. She disguises herself as an old woman. She tries to kill Snow White first with a bodice lace and then with a poisoned comb. She fails. Snow White lives. At last the queen gives Snow White a poisoned apple. The child falls down as if dead.
The dwarfs place her in a glass coffin on a mountain top. One day a prince rides by. He falls in love with her. The dwarfs give him permission to take the coffin to his castle. The prince's friends lift the coffin. The bit of poisoned apple in Snow White's throat is loosened. She awakens. The prince rejoices. He marries Snow White. The evil queen is forced to dance in red-hot iron shoes until she drops dead.
s-ar putea sa crezi ca e cam lung pt un rezumat dar cam asta e toata povestea pe scurt:)
Once there was a queen who wanted a girl who had red lips, Snow-White skin, and black hair. After she gave birth to a girl who looked just like that, the queen died. The girl was named Snow-White. The kind re-married an evil woman who, at one point, asked her magic mirror who was the prettiest girl în the world. The mirror responded that Snow-White was, so the evil queen, mad, got a hunter to lure Snow-White into the deepest woods and kill her. The hunter didn't do so, He told The girl to run. the girl ran untill she found a house, and ate & slept în it, untill the owners of the house, 6 dwarfs entered it and saw Snow-White sleeping. Snow-White told them her story. After that, the evil queen did bad things to her untill a Prince came to the dwarf's house and married Snow-White.