Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlbertMiki, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutati dau coroana și ma abonez!! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iamSarah


Tom is watching TV while Cathy washes the dishes

Paul is brushing his ,combing his hair and getting ready for work.

Colin was writing his essay at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

It was a terrible storm The wind was howling and the rain pouring.

Ben has post photos whenever he travelled to the USA.

Mum will make a cake for Zara's birthday?

Charlie will take pictures while Ross will play the drums.

AlbertMiki: ma mai poți ajuta la engleza???
AlbertMiki: te ro!!
AlbertMiki: rog
AlbertMiki: poți?
AlbertMiki: ai putea?
iamSarah: da
AlbertMiki: okk
AlbertMiki: acm pun o întrebare!!
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