Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlbertMiki, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutati dau coroana și ma abonez!!!
Multumesc!!! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


How long has Frank been working as a chef ?

Frank has been working as a chef for two months.


How long has Julie been making her own clothes ?

She has been making her own clothes for four years.


How long have you been reading that book?

I had been reading that book since Monday.


How long has Andrew been sleeping ?

Andrew has been sleeping for three hours.


How long has Helen and Carla been cooking for the party ?

They (sau) Helen and Carla have been cooking for the party since 10 am.


How long has Sue been decorating the living room?

Sue has been decorating the living room for two hours.


How long has Bob been fixing the dishwasher?

He has been fixing the dishwasher since this morning.

AlbertMiki: aștept.... Dar te rog sa nu uiți....
AlbertMiki: mersi ca ma vei ajuta ❤️❤️❤️
AlbertMiki: sa nu uiți sa ma ajuți... te rog
Utilizator anonim: bine
AlbertMiki: ca cel care a rapsuns... nu a făcut tot și nu am încredere în el ca e bine
AlbertMiki: vam in cât timp poți sa faci?
AlbertMiki: câte min?
AlbertMiki: ma mai 0oti ajuta?
AlbertMiki: te rog
AlbertMiki: poți?
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