Vă rog să mă ajutați.E URGENT

Răspunsuri la întrebare
3.b)is speaking c)knows d)coocks e)I am seeing f)We have g)works h)understand i)are thinking j)smells k)tastes l)is having m)costs
6. 1)Rayymond is visting his grandmother right now.
2 )The children are playing football outside rght now.
3)We're leaving today after school.
4)Look!The dogs are sitting under a tree.
5)The girsl are studying in the library.
6)The plumber's fixing the pipe.
7)The singer is singing beautifully.
8)They're watching an action movie right now.
9)The tailor is making a suit for John.
10)The nurse is helping a patient.
7. 1)She' watching the news.
2)The artists si singing an old Sapnish song.
3)He' writing a beautiful letter for his sister.He's telling hera bout his new job.
4)She's playing the piano.
5)The secretary si answering the phone.
6)The chef is cooking dinner.
7)She's talking to her sister on the phone.
8)We're learning French before our vacation there.
9)I'm trying to open the box.
2.Fill in the balnks with the correct verb tense.
a)Every Sunday,I gos wimming.
b)Usually,I work as a tecaher,but this summer I'm workinga s an interpreter for an American company.
c)Be quiet!I think someone is trying to enter the house.
d)It's snowing!
e)It rains a lot in this part of the country.
f)I'm sorry but I can't hear what you're saying.They're playing trhe music too loud.
g)Kate is laying the table as she has guests.
h)I need to escape from work.
i)Our neighbours' children eat all our cherryes every summer!
j)She's always calling me names!
k)They're flying over the Alantic Ocean right now!
l)She's dancing with Sue.
m)I will play chess with my grandpa after I come back from school.
3. a)what are you drinking? b)is teaching c)what are you doing with my phone? d)I don't understand e)It is getting colder. f)I share my flat g)He aprks his car h)I'm trying to sleep!
13.Match each icture eith the right description.
a)4 b)1 c)2 d)3