Engleza, întrebare adresată de sjjaakkqkkakakw, 8 ani în urmă

va rog sa ma ajutati !repede!trebuie pana maine 2martie 2021.Dau coroana.Sa fie corecte vă rog​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Adelina24434


Ex 3 punctu 2. " IS The awards ceremony on TV tonight?". "Yes it gonna start at 7 pm". 3." What Time is his Train going to get here". "it gonna arrive at 7 o'clock" 4. "IS it True? Are you really gonna go for The interview today?". Ex 1 punctu 2. Im going to GET a good job after school 3. They ARE GOING to go to The university next year 4. What ARE YOU going to do when you finish school? 5. My Best friend, Amy is going to STUDY History at The university. 6. We are going to SPEND The summer holidays in Miami 7. Where IS HE going to meet his Sister? 8. He is going to travel before he goes to The university


Bună La ex 1 cuvintele scrise cu litere de tipar sunt răspunsurile corecte, sper ca te-am ajutat :)!!!!!!!

sjjaakkqkkakakw: mtumesc
Adelina24434: cu plăcinta :))!
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