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Ofer coroniță ❤

Răspunsuri la întrebare
EX. 8
2. Can we eat in the classroom?
No, you can't eat in the classroom. You have to eat in the cafeteria.
3. Can I ride my bike on the grass?
No, you can't ride your bike on the grass. You have to ride it somewhere else.
4. Can the dog come into the house?
No, the dog can't come into the house. It has to stay outside.
5. Can I leave my luggage here?
No, you can't leave your luggage here. You have to leave it in the cloakroom.
6. Can we wear high-heeled shoes?
No, you can't wear high-heeled shoes. You have to wear flat shoes.
7. Can I use this phone?
No, you can't use this phone. You have to use a public phone.
EX. 9
2. A: Could you play in the fields until very late at night?
B: Yes, we could.
3. A: Could you go horseback riding alone?
B: No, we couldn't go horseback riding alone.
4. A: Did you have to lock your doors?
B: No, we didn't have to lock our doors. It was safe.
5. A: Could you swim in the lake?
B: No, we couldn't swim in the lake. It was too cold.
6. A: Did you have to get your water from a well?
B: Yes, we did. We had to get our water from a well.
7. A: Did you have to buy eggs?
B: No, we didn't have to buy eggs. We had our own hens.
8. A: Could you make bonfires in the summer?
B: Yes, we could make bonfires in the summer.
EX. 10
Mult succes! :)