Va rog sa ma ajute si pe mine cineva cu o traducere la Engleza (si va rog sa nu fie tradusa cu google translate ) :
Draga Florin,
Ce mai faci ? Sper ca ti-ai facut prieteni noi la noua ta scoala ! De cand te-ai mutat din oras, nimic nu mai e la fel, nici eu nu mai sunt cel pe care il cunosteai ! Stiu ca pare ciudat ce zic, dar m-am schimbat enorm ! Dupa ce ai plecat din oras, m-am imprietenit cu niste baieti de la bloc care m-au convins sa iau droguri, iar acum nu mai pot sa renunt la droguri, desi mi-as dori ! Familia mea nici nu m-au observat, ca de obicei, de aceea am hotarat sa-ti cer tie ajutorul pentru ca tu imi esti cel mai bun prieten ! Te rog ajuta-ma ! Spune-mi ce sa fac !? Stiu ca tu o sa ma sfatuiesti cel mai bine, ai avut intotdeauna cele mai bune sfaturi ! Astept cu nerabdare sa-mi scrii, si seper ca macar tu sa ma-ntelegi !
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Dear florin
How are you?I hope you made new friends at your new school!Since you moved from the town,nothing is the same,neither myself!I know that what I say seems weird,but i changed alot!Since you moved from the town,I made some new friends from the block that convinced me to take drugs!My family didnt observe,as always,and thats why i decided to ask for your help because you are my best friend.Please help me!Tell me what to do!?I know that you will have the best answer,you always had the best answers!Im waiting unpatiently for you to write back,and i hope that you will understnd!
How are you?I hope you made new friends at your new school!Since you moved from the town,nothing is the same,neither myself!I know that what I say seems weird,but i changed alot!Since you moved from the town,I made some new friends from the block that convinced me to take drugs!My family didnt observe,as always,and thats why i decided to ask for your help because you are my best friend.Please help me!Tell me what to do!?I know that you will have the best answer,you always had the best answers!Im waiting unpatiently for you to write back,and i hope that you will understnd!
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