Va rog sa-mi scrieti o compunere in limba engleza despre clasa mea . Suntem impreuna de 8 ani , in anul asta ne despartim . Suntem raii ,dar avem un umor nedescris . Avem multe amintiri impreuna , excursii,petreceri .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
My lovely classmates
This year we are in the 8th grade of school. In the next year, we will go to the highschool and we will not meet up like we did in these grades that we were in. Every individual of us will choose his/her path to life by how he/she wants. In these years that we were together I was happy and you guys made me feel a special person. We had some events, some were bad and some were good, but I forgave you and you did the same to me. I didn't regret any moment that I lived with you all. We have many memories, many trips and parties that I can't ever forgot. I hope we will be together forever if we can and still be like we were in these years. I will never forget these years that we were together and I will remember everyone in this class.
Sper ca te-am ajutat.
In acest an suntem in clasa a 8-a. In urmatorul an, o sa mergem la liceu si nu o sa ne mai intalnim la fel cum am facut-o in toate aceste clase in care am fost. Fiecare dintre noi isi va alege calea catre viata depinzand de decizia fiecaruia.