Engleza, întrebare adresată de deea0721, 9 ani în urmă

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A friend in the rain

Last week I was walking home after playing basketball when it started raining very heavily. 'Oh no, I will get soaked before I reach home', I thought. I wish I had rembember to bring my raincoat.' But unfortunately I had left it at home.
How stupid of me! I always forget to bring it with me. Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift. 'Are you hoing home? she asked, 'or do you want to go for a drink?' 'I think I'd rather you took me home', I said. 'If I don't change my clothes, I know I will fall ill, and then I won't be able to play basketball next week. And I have been practising hard for the las month.' I will wait for you to change if you like', she told me. 'I think it's time you relaxed for a change. You have been worring too much about things lately. And people who worry too much fail ill more easily. It's got nothing to do with the rain!'

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Jacklyn
Saptamana trecuta am mers acasa dupa ce am jucat basket cand a inceput sa ploua foarte rau. ''Oh nu, o sa ma fac loarca pana sa ajung acasa'' am spus eu. ''Mi-as fii dorit sa imi amintesc sa imi i-au pelerina de ploaie..'' dar din pacate am lasat acasa.Cat de stupid din partea mea!Mereu uit sa o i-au cu mine.Din fericire o prietena de a mea a trecut in masina ei si mi-a oferit un loc. ''Te duci acasa?'' a intrebat ea. ''Sau vrei sa mergem sa bem ceva?'' ''Am crezut ca m-ai degraba ar trebui sa ma duci acasa.'' am spus eu. ''Daca nu imi schimb hainele , stiu ca voi raci si nu voi mai fii capabila sa joc basket saptamana viitoare.Si am lucrat chiar foarte mult in ultima luna..'' ''Te pot astepta sa te schimbi daca vrei.'' mi-a spus ea. '' Cred ca este timpul sa te relaxezi.Te-am ingrijorat prea mult in ultima vreme.Si oamenii care isi fac griji prea mult racesc mai usor.Nu are nimic de aface cu ploaia.''

deea0721: Packet sugar from the supermarket was extracted from either sugar cane or sugar beet. These products were mixed with hot water, which dissolved their natural sugar. Sugar is also found in fruit some of which, such as dates and grapes, contain. very high amounts of sugar. To be a little more scientific, sugar should be called sucrose. Sucrose is made up of two substances, glucose, which is used for instant energy, fructose, which lasts longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is mainl
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