Engleza, întrebare adresată de kisimola200388, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog să scrieți o compunere în limba engleză cu tema I lad an auction. DOAR 15 de rânduri îmi trebuie.DAU COROANA!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de FireHippy

Ai vrut sa scrii had.. lead... ? Presupun ca had, anyway:

I was last summer at my grandmother's house to explore it, she had a lot of antique things and I asked her if I could sell some of them. She was glad that I came up with that idea. I led then, an auction. Around 15 men came to my auction and all of them bidded for the same thing! An old silver watch who was my great grandfather's. One of them gave 800 euros for it! I was totally amazed. That pushed me forward to create more auctions.

to bid=a licita

kisimola200388: Da. Mersi!Când pot dau coroana
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