Engleza, întrebare adresată de florinainol, 9 ani în urmă

 va rog scrietimi o scrisiare catre Mos Craciun an engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
Dear Santa! Christmas is coming and I have so many wishes,but I'd like to tell you only about a few:I'd like a bike and roller skates,and I want ny dad to come home because mom cries a lot. If it's to much to ask,please just bring my dad home,the bike and roller skates can wait 'till next Christmas.Thank you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love,Georgey. Dragã Mos Crãciun! Crãciunul e aproape iar eu am atâtea dirinte,dar îti spun doar câteva:as vrea o bicicletã si rotile,si as vrea ca tata sã vinã acasã pt cã mama plânge mult. Dacã e prea mult ce ti-am cerut,bicicleta si rolerul poate astepta pânã Crãciunul urmãtor dar te rog,adu-mi-l pe tata! Îti multumesc,Crãciun fericit si An Nou Fericit! Cu drag,Georgey.

stanciuelena: Asa de mult trebuia sa scri
Giigii: Prea mult?
Giigii: Partea a doua-i traducerea
stanciuelena: Da si traducere taica.
Giigii: Ti se pare prea mult? Nu stii ce-i mult la mine,n-ar încape pe paginã :D)
stanciuelena: Asxxwww
stanciuelena: Asa vorbesti
stanciuelena: Traduce macar bouaică
Giigii: Du-te sã-ti schimbe mami scutecu' cã te usturã la fundulet
Răspuns de gurduzamariana
Dear SantaThis year I was good, good, smart and diligent. Grandparents, parents have told me many deer Understanding yourself and your fast. I would like to shake over my village good health, joy, power and success! I would also like a small gift. Want some books in Romanian language and mathematics in which you can think logically. I waited for when winter arrived.
I'm good, I learn well,And I deserve to receive,A gift you want,What you know you will not like,And to be dragutel.I I apologize,As much as I have not asked,You bring me a gift,Because I grew more and,I no longer dwarf.I always had in mind,And the soul are hidden,Hoping that I know,How much I love you. <3And if you love me,I bring snow?As much snow and not expect to happen.... With love,Andreea

I forgot to tell you,As I want a suit,Christmas to be and,My puppy Cici,Would like a cadouas with,Kitten inside it. :))                                                                          Sincerely:                                                           The biggest fan of yours: Gurduza Mariana
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