Engleza, întrebare adresată de brrrrrrainy, 8 ani în urmă

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forcosirenem: Christmas is sharing
One christmas Eve Lily a little girl living in London has a few of her good friends at home.They all have fun, they play, they sing, they did almost everything.
(il voi posta putin cate putin pentru ca nu pot pune multe caracthere intrun cometariu, este despre o mica fata lily si prieteni ei)
forcosirenem: When it came time to give each other presents tho Lily didint want to give anybody a present.She screamed saiyng:I dont want to share, all the presents are mine and nobody elses!
The other kids, being sad began criyng silently.Lily looked at them and felt horibel, she finally decided to give them all the present her parents bought for them. (2)
forcosirenem: When lily looked at the smiles of her friends she realised that christmas isint only presents and cookies, its also about sharing and caring for each other. (3)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de forcosirenem


Christmas is sharing

One christmas Eve Lily a little girl living in London has a few of her good friends at home.They all have fun, they play, they sing, they did almost everything.

When it came time to give each other presents tho Lily didint want to give anybody a present.She screamed saiyng:I dont want to share, all the presents are mine and nobody elses!

The other kids, being sad began criyng silently.Lily looked at them and felt horibel, she finally decided to give them all the present her parents bought for them.

forcosirenem avatar

When lily looked at the smiles of her friends she realised that christmas isint only presents and cookies, its also about sharing and caring for each other.

(in poveste e vorba despre o fata lily care nu vroia sa dea cadouri de craciun  pretenilor acesteia dar dupa a imparyit cadourile cu ceilalti si sia dat seama ca craciunul este despre a imparti si a fi bun mai pe scurt practic despre daruirea unor cadouri)

Răspuns de alinaolaru75

Sper sa fie tot textul:))


alinaolaru75: sunt 4 poze
alinaolaru75: cred ca a treia se repeta
alinaolaru75: eu trebuie sa intru la oră
alinaolaru75: am pregatire pana la 6
alinaolaru75: ne auzim mai tarziu
alinaolaru75: daca ai vreo idee o poti scrie in rom si ti-o traduc
brrrrrrainy: au apărut pozele! mulțumesc. încerc să va mai dau msj după 6 dacă mai puteți răspunde
brrrrrrainy: m-am descurcat, am făcut compunerea. Mai am 2 mici nelămuriri în privința unor traduceri.... Acestea sunt : "sau sa dam o mână de ajutor cu curățatul casei" și "Putem să le dăruim și copiilor sau bătrânilor abandonați un brad de Crăciun, decorațiuni". Dacă m ați putea ajuta cu aceste 2 traduceri într un timp cât mai scurt ar fi perfect!!
alinaolaru75: or to give a hand with cleaning the house (or to give a hand cleaning the house) ;
alinaolaru75: We can also give abandoned children or elderly a Christmas tree, decorations
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