Engleza, întrebare adresată de iubirisecrete, 9 ani în urmă

va rog traducerea in engleza""""Familia este un lucru important in viata unui copil.Orice copil ar trebue sa aiba parinti ,deoarece fara parinti te sinti singur in lume.parintii sunt ce care ne sprijina la bine si la greu ,maman e invata ce e bine iar tata ne invata cum sa luam o decizie. Este foarte important sa ai parinti.:""""

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de giurgiualexand
The family is an important thing in a boy's life.Any child would must face toward have parents, because without such as Sinti parents you alone in the world.Parents are what who support for better and for worse ,mom e learn what is good and we learn how to take a decision. It is very important to the parents.
Răspuns de Teo712
Family is an important thing in a child's life. Any kid should have parents because without them you feel alone. Parents are the ones who stand by us whenever we need them. Our mom teaches us what's good and our dad teaches us how to make a decision. Having parents is important.
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