Engleza, întrebare adresată de emihaela73, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog traduceti acest paragraf!But success stories like Nick's are rare.If you think a modeling career depends on looks alone,you're in for a disappointment. I wasn't a handsome kid anmd I dont't think I've got much better with age,says Nick modestly.I just go the in look.However ,it's not just look.But providing you have personality as well,things could turn  out the same way for you.Looks and personality:is  that the full story ,then?Mett Tracy.She's a charismatic fifteen-year-old with looks to die for.But her  perfect face has  never adorned the pages of fashions magazines.You have to have a good  photo  portofolio  and also belong to a  really  good ,professional agency,she says.You also have  to be  resilient:Tracy has applied for over a dozen josbs and has been rejected as many times.But she hasn't let this get her down too much:I'm giving myself another year ,says  Tracy.Unless I get something soon,I'll give up on  the idea of modelling.

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Răspuns de radugiulia
Dar povesti de succes ca a lui Nick sunt rare.Daca crezi ca o cariera de modeling depinde numai de/doar de aspect vei fi dezamagit.Nu am fost un baiat chipes si nu cred ca m-am imbunatatit odata cu varsta,spune Nick cu modestie.Totusi nu este vorba doar de aspect.Dar daca ai atitudine de asemenea ,lucrurile s-ar putea indrepta la final in favoarea ta/ sa fie la urma la fel si pentru tine.Aspect si personalitate:Atunci asta e tot? Mett Tracy.Ea este o fata carismatica/cu carisma in varsta de 15 ani cu un aspect pentru care ai muri.Dar fata ei perfecta nu a impodobit niciodata paginile revistelor fashion.Trebuie sa ai un portofoliu cu poze bune si de asemenea sa apartii unei agentii foarte buna,profesionale,spune ea.Trebuie sa fi de asemenea optimist:Tracy a aplicat pentru peste 10 joburi si a fost respinsa de multe ori.Dar nu a lasat asta sa o consume prea tare:Imi mai dau un an/imi mai pun la dispozitie un an,spune Tracy.Daca nu primesc ceva curand,voi renunta la ideea de/cu modeling/modelingul.
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