Va rog , traduceti acest text in engleza !!! Fara google translate !! De obicei visez multe lucruri, aglomerări de informaţii fără sens. Cu toate acestea, parcă noaptea trecută a fost mai ciudată. Eram într-o pădure, era totuşi cald şi purtăm o rochie de vară.În spatele meu era o cabană şi în faţă mea era un lac mare, pe care plutea în depărtare o barcă. Nu înţelegeam prea bine ce se întâmplă, ce caut acolo şi unde sunt.Barca se apropia de mal si astfel am reusit sa le vad pe cele trei prietene cu care ma inteleg foarte bine. Ele erau foarte fericite si mi-au zis sa urc in barca ca sa -mi arate un loc superb. Dupa un timp am ajuns in acel loc care era foarte frumos, plin de flori si verdeata , un loc in care te simteai foarte bine. Atunci am auzit o voce de femeie si toate ne-am speriat , dar spre ammuzamentul meu , era mama care incerca sa ma trezeasca pentru a-mi spune ca este timpul sa merg la scoala. In final , eu am fost foarte fericita deoarece nu a fost decat un vis mai ciudat.
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Răspuns de
i usually dream many things, congested useless information. even so, i feel like last night they were weirder. I was in a forest , but even so it was hot, I was wearing a summer dress . behind me there was a cottage and in front of me there was a huge lake on which a boat was floating. I didn't really understand what was going on, what was I doing there and where I were. the boat was getting closer and closer to the shore and so I managed to see three friends of my with which I was going along pretty well. they were very happy and they told me to get in the boat, so that they can show me a splendid place. after a while we arrived to that place where everything was so beautiful, full of flowers and grass, a place in which you felt very good. then we heard a woman's voice and we were all frightened, but , to my amusement, it was mom trying to wake me up, saying it was time for school. în the end I was very happy that it was just a weird dream and nothing more.
acolo sa pui ,thread grindă of mine, nu my
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