Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionelagrosu1, 9 ani în urmă

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Eu ma socot o fata foarte norocoasa deoarece am cea mai minunata familie. Chiar daca suntem multi memebri in familie, suntem cu toti impreuna la bine si la greu. Daca va intrebati cati membri suntem atunci sa stiti ca suntem noua membri din care fac parte: mama, tata si restul surorilor, apropo eu sunt cea mai mica. Acuma am crescut cu toti si neam indepartat de la casa parinteasca, insa oricum venim înapoi sa vedem parinti. De sarbatori ne adunam cu toti imprejurul mesei care este plina cu bucate gustoase.De mici parinti neau invatat sa ne iubim apropiatul si sa împărțim bucata de pâine. Suntem o familie normala, nici săracă, nici bogata, dar mereu sarim in ajutor. Ca orice familie am avut zile bune și zile rele, dar am trecut peste acestea cu toti, ca o familie. Din cauza ca eram multi copii in familie, mama întotdeauna avea treburi casnice iar noi o ajutam întotdeauna chiar daca nu faceam cum trebuie ea ne zimbi si ne lauda. Aceasta este familia mea, poate sunt familii mai bune, poate sunt familii mai rele, dar nici una nu se compara cu a mea

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Răspuns de Anners

I reckon I'm a really lucky girl because I have the most wonderful family. Even though we are many, we are together for better or for worse. If you are wondering how many we are, then know that we are nine, including mum, dad, my other sisters, and me as the youngest. Now we are all grown up and we've drifted away from our parents, but we come back anyway to see them. During holidays, we all gather around our table, packed with delicious plates. Ever since we were young, our parents taught us to love our neighbours and to share. We are a normal family, neither poor, nor rich, but we always come to other’s rescue. Like any other family, we’ve had days good and bad, but we’ve gotten over these together, as a family. Due to us being many children in my family, mum always had chores to do and we would always help her; even if we didn’t do it properly, she would smile at us and praise us. This is my family. Maybe there are better families, maybe there are worse families, but none compares to mine.

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