Engleza, întrebare adresată de Prajiturica123, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog traduceti-mi:
Hello children.I'm PC Chase and this is my partener, Frisky!

We 1)w....... up early every morning!

Then I 2)g........to the gyn----- and Frysky likes going too!

Frisky comes with me everywhere.

In the evening we 3) w...... TV and we usually go to bed late.

Can chimps work for the police, too?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de OreoSempaii
Hello children.I'm PC Chase and this is my partener, Frisky!

We 1)wake....... up early every morning!

Then I 2)go........to the gyn----- and Frysky likes going too!

Frisky comes with me everywhere.

In the evening we 3) watch...... TV and we usually go to bed late.

Can chimps work for the police, too?

Salut copii,sunt PC Chase si el e prietenul meu,Frisky!

Noi ne trezim devreme in fiecare dimineata!

Dupa merg la (cred ca vroiai sa scrii "gym" nu "gyn") sala-si lui Frisky ii place sa mearga deasemenea!

Frisky vine cu mine peste tot.

Seara ne uitam la TV si mergem in pat tarziu.

Oare pot si cimpanzeii sa lucreze la politie?
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