Va rog traduceti-mi si mie :
Tanarul care dorea sa se casatoreasca isi alegea cativa dintre prietenii lui (uneori chiar tatal sau alte rude) si hotarau ziua cand vor merge la casa miresei. Desigur, era anuntata si familia viitoarei mirese, pentru a avea ragazul de a se pregati in a-si intampina oaspetii. In ziua stabilita purcedeau spre casa fetei, iar la intrare acestia aveau o mica cuvantare, care difera de la zona la zona. Urmeaza apoi momentele cand tatal feciorului sta de vorba cu parintii miresei, discutand diferite aspecte ale viitoarei familii. Uneori hotararea de a face nunta era deja luata, petitul fiind doar o formalitate sau o ocazie de a petrece niste clipe minunate. De multe ori urma o mica petrecere, mai ales daca se stabilea ca nunta va vea loc.
Este o petrecere la casa miresei (de regula), in seara de dinaintea nuntii, la care participa tinerii prieteni ai celor doi miri, alti invitati. La inceputul petrecerii, tineri lucreaza ornamentele care vor fi puse in bradul de nunta, din materiale puse la dispozitie de miri. Petrecerea nu presupune prea multa mancare (cozonaci) ci mai degraba bautura si dans.
Bradul In dimineata nuntii, ginerele, impreuna cu prieteni apropiati impodobesc doi brazi cu diferite obiecte, fructe si chifle. Brazii sunt purtati de tineri necasatoriti pana la casa nasului, unde, unul este legat in fata portii. Apoi, alaiul isi continua drumul catre casa miresei, loc in care ramane cel de-al doilea brad. Bradul este simbolul vigorii si al tineretii; impodobirea lui simbolizeaza viata "imbelsugata" a viitoarei familii.
Mireasa, flacaul cu bradul si alaiul miresei merg la cea de-a treia fintina spre rasarit,numarata de la casa miresei, insotiti de lautari. Pe drum, mireasa si flacaul poarta un ulcior (sau o vadra de lemn in alte zone), legat cu stergar tesut in casa, pina la fintina. Aici, flacaul scoate apa de trei ori si, de fiecare data, impreuna cu mireasa, stropeste multimea cu un manunchi de busuioc, inmuiat in apa din ulcior, in semn de urare de maritis la fete, insuratoare la flacai si spor la neveste. Flacaul poate fi altul decit purtatorul bradului si va pastra ca dar ulciorul nou si stergarul cu care a facut udatul. Intorsi de la apa, nuntasii incing o hora in care mireasa trece pe la fiecare si ii prinde in piept floarea de nunta. Aceleasi flori sau cocarde le vor primi nuntasii mirelui, nasii, alti invitati la biserica.
Barbieritul mirelui
Acest obicei se desfasoara in paralel cu gatitul miresei. Un prieten apropiat al mirelui (in trecut un vataf) il barbiereste, in mod simbolic pe ginere. Asezat pe un scaun, cu bani sub picior, mirele nu trebuie sa-l lase pe lautar sa-i ia banii. Barbieritul mirelui reprezinta un simbol al pregatirii baiatului pentru nunta. Obiceiul se pare ca avea o semnificatie ritualica initiatica, ultima dintr-un lung sir de initieri la care era supus baiatul in cursul deveniri sale ca barbat.
Imbracatul miresei
Nasa, impreuna cu mama miresei si prietene apropiate ajuta mireasa sa se imbrace, pentru ca la sfarsit, nasa singura sa-i lege voalul si coronita. Se desfasoara in acelasi timp cu barbieritul mirelui si simbolizeaza pregatirea fetei pentru nunta. In vechime la acest ritual puteau lua parte mai multa lume din partea miresei. Cum gatitul era destul de laborios (se foloseau cele mai bune haine, se faceau impletituri complicate ale parului), fetele cantau cantece cu tema despartirii.
Hora miresei
Hora miresei (Nuneasca) se danseaza acasa la mireasa, prilej cu care soacra mica imparte diferite cadouri nasilor, socrilor si, uneori, rudelor apropiate.
Ruperea turtei
Nasa comanda si plateste o turta impodobita cu diverse ornamente, comestibile sau nu, diferite impletituri si alte forme. In mod simbolic, turta este rupta deasupra capului miresei si este data spre consum (invitatilor). Se spune ca aduce noroc celor care mananca din ea. Obiceiul se pastreaza din vremea Romei antice.
Furatul miresei
Poporul roman este un popor vesel si uneori pus pe sotii. Astfel se explica pastrarea acestui obicei a le carei origini sunt neclare. Se presupune ca mirele nu trebuie sa aibe ochi decat pentru mireasa lui, dar unii glumeti profita de neatentia mirelui si fura mireasa. Mirele este dator sa o caute sau sa o rascumpere. In unele zone, rapitorii au datoria de a nu lasa mireasa pe jos, ea trebuie purtata numai in brate. In alte zone, se considera ca daca mireasa a fost furata pana la ora 24.00 datoria o va plati nasul, daca a fost furata dupa 24.00 mirele este cel care va plati. De multe ori, spre hazul invitatilor mirele este pus sa indeplineasca anumite sarcini.
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The youngster who wanted to marry her chose some of his friends (sometimes father or other relatives) and decided one day to go to the bride's house. Of course, it was announced and bride family to have respite to prepare to greet guests. On established proceeds to the girl's house and they had a small entrance speech, which differs from area to area. Then comes the moment when the father son talk to the bride's parents, discussing various aspects of future family. Sometimes the decision to make the wedding was already taken, the petition is just a formality or an opportunity to spend some wonderful moments. Often after a small party, especially if Vea stated that the wedding will take place.FedelesIt's a party at the bride's house (usually), the night before the wedding, attended by two grooms young friends, other guests. At the beginning of the party, youth work ornaments to be placed in tree wedding of materials provided by grooms. The party does not involve too much food (cakes) but rather drink and dance.
Brad morning of the wedding, the groom, along with close friends decorate two trees with different objects, fruit and rolls. The trees are worn by young unmarried to house nose, where one is bound in front of the gate. Then, the procession continues on the bride's house, a place that remains the second tree. The tree is the symbol of youth and vigor; adorning symbolizes life's "abundant" of the future family.WateringThe bride, bride's procession lad with tree and go to the third well of the east, counted from the bride's house, accompanied by musicians. Along the way, the bride and the lad wears a pitcher (or a jar of wood in other areas), tied with homespun towel, until the fountain. Here, lad out the water three times and each time, along with the bride, squirting the crowd with a bunch of basil dipped in water from the jug as a sign of greeting marriageable girls, newly married couples to keep up the lads and wives. The lad may be other than the wearer tree and maintain the new pitcher and the towel but that made watering. Back to water, heat up the wedding guests a wedding dance that goes on and I catch every flower wedding chest. The same flowers or groom wedding guests will receive badges you, sponsors, other guests at the church.
Shaving groomThis usually takes place in parallel with cooking bride. A close friend of the groom (formerly a bailiff) shaves him, symbolically the groom. Sitting on a chair, with money under foot, the groom should not let the fiddler to take his money. Shaving is a symbol of training groom wedding boy. The habit seemed to have significance initiatory ritual, the latest in a long series of initiations that boy was subjected during his becoming that man.
Dressing bride godmother, along with the bride's mother and close friends help the bride to dress, because in the end, godmother only to tie the veil and headpiece. It takes place simultaneously with the groom and symbolizes shaving facial preparation for the wedding. In the past this ritual could take some more people from the bride. How was quite laborious cooking (they used the best clothes, there were intricate hair braids), the girls sang songs with the theme of separation.
Hora brideHora bride (Nuneasca) is home to the bride dance, mother occasion which shares little different gifts godparents, Socrates and sometimes close relatives.
Breaking cake godmather command and pays a cake adorned with various ornaments, edible or not, different weaving and other forms. Symbolically, the bride's cake is broken over his head and is given to the consumer (the guests). It is said to bring good luck to those who eat it. The custom is preserved in ancient Rome.
Stealing the brideThe Roman people is a people happy and sometimes put on wives. This explains the preservation of this custom whose origins are unclear them. It is assumed that the groom should not have eyes only for his bride, but some playful advantage of inattention groom and bride stealing. The groom is obliged to seek or to redeem. In some areas, the kidnappers have a duty not to let the bride away, it should be worn only in arms. In other areas, it is considered that if the bride has been stolen until you pay 24.00 a godfather job if it was stolen after 24.00 groom who will pay. Often, to the amusement of guests groom is asked to perform certain tasks.
Brad morning of the wedding, the groom, along with close friends decorate two trees with different objects, fruit and rolls. The trees are worn by young unmarried to house nose, where one is bound in front of the gate. Then, the procession continues on the bride's house, a place that remains the second tree. The tree is the symbol of youth and vigor; adorning symbolizes life's "abundant" of the future family.WateringThe bride, bride's procession lad with tree and go to the third well of the east, counted from the bride's house, accompanied by musicians. Along the way, the bride and the lad wears a pitcher (or a jar of wood in other areas), tied with homespun towel, until the fountain. Here, lad out the water three times and each time, along with the bride, squirting the crowd with a bunch of basil dipped in water from the jug as a sign of greeting marriageable girls, newly married couples to keep up the lads and wives. The lad may be other than the wearer tree and maintain the new pitcher and the towel but that made watering. Back to water, heat up the wedding guests a wedding dance that goes on and I catch every flower wedding chest. The same flowers or groom wedding guests will receive badges you, sponsors, other guests at the church.
Shaving groomThis usually takes place in parallel with cooking bride. A close friend of the groom (formerly a bailiff) shaves him, symbolically the groom. Sitting on a chair, with money under foot, the groom should not let the fiddler to take his money. Shaving is a symbol of training groom wedding boy. The habit seemed to have significance initiatory ritual, the latest in a long series of initiations that boy was subjected during his becoming that man.
Dressing bride godmother, along with the bride's mother and close friends help the bride to dress, because in the end, godmother only to tie the veil and headpiece. It takes place simultaneously with the groom and symbolizes shaving facial preparation for the wedding. In the past this ritual could take some more people from the bride. How was quite laborious cooking (they used the best clothes, there were intricate hair braids), the girls sang songs with the theme of separation.
Hora brideHora bride (Nuneasca) is home to the bride dance, mother occasion which shares little different gifts godparents, Socrates and sometimes close relatives.
Breaking cake godmather command and pays a cake adorned with various ornaments, edible or not, different weaving and other forms. Symbolically, the bride's cake is broken over his head and is given to the consumer (the guests). It is said to bring good luck to those who eat it. The custom is preserved in ancient Rome.
Stealing the brideThe Roman people is a people happy and sometimes put on wives. This explains the preservation of this custom whose origins are unclear them. It is assumed that the groom should not have eyes only for his bride, but some playful advantage of inattention groom and bride stealing. The groom is obliged to seek or to redeem. In some areas, the kidnappers have a duty not to let the bride away, it should be worn only in arms. In other areas, it is considered that if the bride has been stolen until you pay 24.00 a godfather job if it was stolen after 24.00 groom who will pay. Often, to the amusement of guests groom is asked to perform certain tasks.
nu vreau google translate ;)
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