Va rog urgent ajutati-ma. Macar un exercitiu.
Dau coroana.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
The front door was locked.
My pen was broken last night.
The boy was punished for that.
You will be told when you come.
Where will a library be built?
An invitation was sent to you last week.
I am sure you will be offered a very interesting job.
He was taught French and given a dictionary.
I was promised ome books on this problem.
Explicație: Complementul direct al verbului devine subiectul propozitiei la diateza pasiva. Acesta (subiectul) e urmat de verbul auxiliar a fi (to be) la timpul verbului din diateza activa si de participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat.
2.Tom said he had finished his work.
Tom said he would arrive at noon.
Tom said he could solve that problem.
Helen asked if I knew any foreign languages.
Helen asked if I was listening to her.
He asked when he arrived in York.
Bill asked if the train stopped in York.
Ann asked if I had seen the library.
I asked if the playing grounds were near the school.
He asked who had put salt in his coffee.
Explicație: In vorbirea indirecta atentia se indreapta pe cel care adreseaza intrebarea (subiectul propozitiei) si pe timpul verbului care introduce intrebarea; daca acesta e la un timp trecut, verbul urmator va fi tot la trecut (prezentul devine trecut, prezentul perfect devine trecut perfect, trecutul devine trecut perfect, viitorul devine viitor in trecut. Atentie si la adjectivele posesive (ca de exemplu in ultima propozitie unde my devine his).
of, in
by, in
Explicație: prepozitiile trebuie invatate in context, memorandu-le de cele mai multe ori, deoarece difera in multe situatii fata de cele din limba romana.
No doubt, there are many beautiful countries and my country is one of them. I had the opportunity of travelling across Romania and of admiring the majestic mountains, the hills covered with vineyards, the Black Sea coast and its resorts, the Danube delta, a paradise of birds and water-lilies.
So, it's hard to think what I would miss the most if i were to leave my country and live abroad. But, thinkink hard, I am sure that I would long for the time spent with my friends, miss my family if they were not with me, crave for the silent or noisy nights in the park or in my room listening to my favourite music. I would probably miss the atmosphere of the district I was born, the streets of my childhood, the hustle and bustle of everything I am familiar with, good and bad.
However, I have no intention of leaving my country as I think there are opportunities for being happy here as well as everywhere else.