Engleza, întrebare adresată de bolgariandreea, 8 ani în urmă

The Vase

A young student was in love with a beautiful girl.The student was poor,but the girl was coming from a well off family.The girl's birthday came.The student wanted to give her a nice present.One day he went into a shop and saw there a very beautiful vase.He wanted to buy it.But the vase was very expensive.He didn't have enough money for it.The next day he went to the shop again and looked at the vase for a long time thinking how his girl-friends would like it.The shop girl noticed his sad look and asked what the matter was.He told her his problem.The shop girl pitied him and suggested a way out.''There is one more vase like that,but is broken''-she said.''I'll wrap it up and when the servant takes it to your girl's house he will fall down when he enters the room.Nobody will know that the was broken.''The student agreed.The day of the birthday party came.It was a nice celebration with many guests.His beloved received many presents.At last the servant came i holding his present.But stepping over the threshold he fell and dropped the box.There was a great noise and everybody wanted to see what happened.When the cover of the box went off to everybody's surprise every piece of the broken vase was wrapped separately.

1.Listen to the story ''The vase''and say what spoiled the festivity:money,poverty or dishonesty?

a)What do you think the moral of the story is?Do you agree with the adage''Honesty is the best policy''?

b)Who was the most to blame for what hat happened?

c)Who was the least to blame?There are four characters in the story.Put the numbers from 1 to 4 opposite each character according to the degree of blame.

The student,the girl,the saleswoman,the servant.

d)What piece of advice would you give to the young student?

e)What piece of advice would you give to the shop-girl?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ovi50

a)The moral of the story is that one should be honest at all costs.Yes I agree with the adage.

b)The young student was to be blamed.

c)the student 1

the saleswoman 2

the servant 3

the girl 4

d)He must apollogise ,and next time he should be honest.

e)Not to advice others to be dishonest

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