Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariasultanp3a0zx, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog urgent!Dau coroana!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de karinasasaran13

They didn't bought the drinks in this shop

Did they bought the drinks in this shop?

My friend didn't lost his keys yesterday.

Did my friend lost his keys yesterday?

they didn't went to cinema last Saturday.

Did they went to cinema last Saturday?

I didn't read a very interesting book

did I read a very interesting book?

they didn't told me the truth

did they told me the truth?

he didn't saw her in the restaurant last night

did he saw her in the restaurant last night?

Răspuns de vladescub40p7s4kx

They didn't bought the drinks in this shop

Did they bought the drinks in this shop?

My friend didn't lost her key yesterday.

Did my friend lost her key yesterday?

They didn't went to cinema last Saturday.

Did they went to cinema last saturday?

I didn't read a very interesting book

Did you read a very interesting book?

They didn't told me the truth.

Did they told me the truth?

He didn't saw her in the restaurant last night.

Did he saw her in the restaurant last night?

Alte întrebări interesante