Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

vă rogg mult...ajutaţi-mă rapid,vă dau coroana! :(

1.choose the best variant:a. She is as taller/tall as her sister. b. Dogs are more/most faithful than cats. c. She is better at tennis as/than her friends. d. Sue is the most cleverest/clever of her sisters. e. In summer the nights are more shorter/shorter than in winter. f. There are more/many apples than pears in the basket. g. I enjoy reading more/a lot than watching TV. h. The children are trying to make the sandcastle higher/more higher. i. Susan is more older/older than her brother. j. We have as many/more friends as you have. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LauraCh

a - tall

b - more

c - than

d - most clever

e - shorter

f - more

g - more

h - higher

i - older

j - many

Utilizator anonim: la i e prima variantă sau a doua?
LauraCh: A2a varianta (older), fara "more" înainte
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