Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeexxx, 8 ani în urmă

Va roggg ajutați-mă am nevoie de ele până la 14:50 vrggg​


dennisiulian20p143yj: toate 10?
andreeexxx: daa
andreeexxx: poți sa ma ajuți plss
dennisiulian20p143yj: incerc
dennisiulian20p143yj: nu stiu sa il fac scuze
andreeexxx: k-

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de irimaria68

E cam tarziu, nu-i asa?

2. The plants haven't been watered.

3. The party has been aranged by George and Sarah.

4. The car hasn't been repaired by the mechanic.

5. The animals are being feed twice a day.

6. The roof will be fixed by Sam.

7. The new manswear line has been launched by Cherry Lane.

8. The red dress is designed by Claire.

9. The children are being entertained by the clown.

10. The puncture has been mended by him.

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