Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristicristian22, 9 ani în urmă

va roggg
dau coroana , e important


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Motanika26

Report regarding the brochure intended for public distribution.

The target audience for our brochure should be young children and their parents. We need to make the school appealing to the children and focus on our facilities and modern methods of teaching (the computer laboratory, the playground, the chemistry lab), as well as showing the parents our school is well appreciated and helps children become successful later in life. We should include, with their permission, a list of past students that became successful, maybe ask them to say a few words about our school, describing the time they spent here.

The brochure should include some important key words such as "future", "new generation", "modern techniques", "new concept", to help describe our school better to whoever is interested in joining our classes.

We should definitely include two-three photos of our classrooms, but we shouldn't forget to show the sports field or the chemistry lab, it's important to showcase the best features.

I think it is essential to use the following section headings: exam success, lesson timetable, school activities, and last but not least, a detailed history of our school.

I am concluding my report adding that I believe the brochure should be colorful and include pictures of happy students.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion.

Cristicristian22: Multumesc mult!
Motanika26: Sper ca e ok.
Cristicristian22: trebuia sa fac un raport nu?
Motanika26: Da, doar ca nu stiu cate cuvinte am scris. Stai ca verific.
Motanika26: 218 cuvinte. Cam mult. :)))
Motanika26: Nu cred ca se supara nimeni ca e mai mult. :)
Cristicristian22: asa e, multumesc pentru ajutorul acordat si scuze pentru deranj
Motanika26: Nu e nimic, sunt aici ca sa ajut. :)
Cristicristian22: zi faina!
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