Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria1m31, 8 ani în urmă

Vă roggg frumos să mă ajutați cu exercițiul 2 DAU COROANA


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Aak888


It is a beautiful summer evening and on this day I will go to a party with my friends. I also talked to my friends and they agreed. I was warned by my parents not to stay up late. I put on some nice clothes, my friends were waiting for me in front of the school. On the way we talked about football. At the party I bet who does the most push-ups, I won it because I did 50 push-ups, the prize was 3 boxes of pizza for free. I danced and had fun I will not forget this beautiful evening.


Este o seara frumoasa de vara si in aceasta zi ma voi duce cu prientenii la o petrecere. Am vorbit si cu prietenii mei si au fost deacord. Am fost avertizat de parintii mei sa nu stau pana tarziu. Mi-am luat niste haine frumoase pe mine, prietenii mei ma asteptau in fata scolii. Pe drum am vorbit despre fotbal. La petrecere am pus pariu pe cine face cele mai multe push-ups , eu l-am castigat deoarece am facut 50 de push-ups, premiul a fost 3 cutii de pizza gratis. Am dansat si m-am distrat Nu voi uita aceasta seara frumoasa.

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