Vă roggg urgent ofer coroană

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Present perfect simple
- Perhaps, like me, you have always thought that travelling is something for rich people.
- Now, I think I have been wrong all this time.
- She has had a lot of different jobs.
- So where has Nora ?
- She has always liked finding new things.
"Complete the sentences from the blog on page 35. Then complete the rule." -- Se pare ca la pagina 35, se afla un blog (asa spune enuntul), dar tu nu ai atasat nicio poza cu acel blog. Totusi, am incercat sa rezolv exercitiul. La al patrulea enunt nu pot sa imi dau seama despre ce este vorba cand nu am nici un context si nici un habar despre cine este Nora, dar am luat in considerare ca acest exercitiu trebuie rezolvat folosind Present Perfect-ul --> deci am scris doar 'has', care este obligatoriu pentru folosirea timpului Present Perfect Simple. La fel si la ultimul, nu stiu daca este corect enuntul. Este 100% corect gramatical, dar nu poate fi sigurat varianta corecta din cauza absentei contextului.
Alta data, te rog sa postezi tot ce iti cere enuntul!
Okay, moving on...
- Use the present perfect to talk about experiences/changes that happened some time in your life up to now.
have / has + the past participle (verb 3)
- Make the past participle by adding 'ed' to regular verbs (for example, 'play' becomes 'played', 'want' becomes 'wanted, etc.)
Is used to describe:
- An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present.
- An action performed during a period that has not yet finished.
- A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now.