Vă roggggg, repede!
Ofer Coroană!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Intrebare 1- It would be good but also bad. Everyone would know you and you would have so much money, but people might use you for your fame.
Intrebarea 2- A successful life.
intrebarea 3- Some of them do, some don't. Some famous people might think they're perfect and as long as they're famous and rich they don't have any responsibilities. But also some of them take responsibilities.
intrebarea 4- I'm not a parent , but I personally like the actor Tom Ellis. He is pretty cool and could be a good inspiration.
intrebarea 5- Yes. As an example I think Charlie D'amelio. She had lots of followers for nothing.
intrebarea 6- nu prea inteleg intrebarea, scuze. :(
intrebarea 7- No, unfortunately I haven't, but I wish someday I will met someone famous.
intrebarea 8- Tom Ellis. I really hope I'd meet him because he is my idol.
intrebarea 9- Unfortunately I don't.
sper ca te am ajutat! :)
Oh si daca te intreba profa cine este "Tom Ellis" spunei ca: "Este un actor popular in statele unite(Mai exact Los Angeles). El a jucat in " Lucifer" si in alte emisiuni,filme si seriale."