Engleza, întrebare adresată de abystrjrisosnemk, 8 ani în urmă

Va rooog!!
Am nevoie urgent de rezolvarea exercițiului și de explicații .


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de litlemissBia001

Probabil ai răspuns dar, uite:

  1. The old man leant heavily on his walking stick and gazed sadly towards the house...(transcrie restul)
  2. Eleanor muttered impatiently as her parents wandered slowly around her room to make sure it was tidy.
  3. The injured cyclist hobbled away abruptly embarrassed by the concerned stares of the onlookers.
  4. The landowner shook his fist violently at the trespassers "Get off my land or I'll set the dogs on you." he bellowed furiously.

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