Engleza, întrebare adresată de stsph547, 8 ani în urmă

VA ROOOGGGG urgeeent!!!!

. 68c Complete this extract from a job interview putting the verbs into the present
perfect or past simple. Complete the short answers (has, hasn't, have,
haven't) and choose between for and since.

B: Yes I......... (teach) English for/ since three
years in Hong Kong and when I........... (come

I ..........…... (start) teaching at the Kensington School of English and I...…..... (teach) there for/since then.

A: And............ (you/do) a course in teaching

B: Yes, I............
I…............ (do) a course before I...............
(go) to Hong Kong. I have the certificate here.

A: Thank you. And what about languages? A lot of the students here are
Italian and Spanish."...........
(you/ever/study) Italian or Spanish?

B: No, I ..........
but I.............
(stay) in Italy 'for/since a few weeks last year and I ... ..... (learn) a bit of Italian then.

A: So what languages...........

B: Well, I............
(do) French and German at school for/since five
years and I..............
(pass) the exams.

A: And........
(you/learn) a language for/since.............. you
(leave) school?

B: Yes, I.........
(learn) to speak some Mandarin Chinese when I
was in Hong Kong. ​​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de racolciucmarcela



1. yes I taught english for three years and when I came back

I started teaching at the Kensington school of english and i taught there since then

A. and you did a course in teaching english

B. yes I did a course before I went to Hong Kong

A. Have you ever studied Spanish or italian

B. No i havent but I stayed in italy for few weeks last year and I learned a bit of italian there

A. So what languages did you studied?

B. Well I did French and German at school for 5 yrs and I passed the exams

A. And did you learn a language since you left the school

B. yes I learned to speak manadarin chinese

nu stiu exact daca e corect:)

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